Happy Friday, all!

kristian SkedsmoBlog

Just a few words from sunny(!) Oslo.

demon-digiWe are all overwhelmed by the phenomenal reactions the album has received these first 5 days! Thank you so much for the time (and money) invested into listening to, commenting and following what we do. Without you we would have to take up knitting and buy rocking chairs. The thought of which is a lot scarier than making albums about ghosts and demons.

In the hope that it’s not too cheeky to ask; if any of you would like to support further, you can rate the album on iTunes by giving it stars and/or write a few lines on there. We would be very happy if you did, but no pressure! No really! No pressure. And, while on the shameless subject of self-promoting, we are told that the label warehouse stocks are already running low on the Limited Edition Digibook -version of Demon. So, if you want that exclusive version, that smells better, feels better and gives off a lot less toxic fumes when incinerated(!?) now’s the time to hop over to the Gazpacho store! (Because we DO have stock)

I can’t begin to describe how much we’re looking forward to touring again, and showing off our little beast. And before you start thinking it’s Fido I’m talking about, I can reveal that we will be playing a large chunk of Demon. And in the slightly more sane section, we’ll visit, Night, Tick Tock, Missa, Bravo, WELG, Firebird and March of Ghosts. Hope not to miss a single one of you, and we also hope that you bring a lot of friends to hear what we think (and hope!) is the best set list in the history of Gazpacho.

Have a great weekend, and drink like you mean it!
