Hypomania is a song about someone who realises that he is in love with his own projection of someone and not the real person. He has a crisis and ends up leaving.
As a gazpacho song we spent a long time discussing if we should include it on the Soyuz album as it is different from the other songs there. It is a catchy straight forward rock song and we decided to keep it because it is exactly the kind of song men going through similar situations would be listening to while flying off to Vegas to lose all their money on gambling and drink.
We will be playing it on our tour and it has become a great favorite with the band as it holds its own amongst the darker other Soyuz songs that we play.
The tour itself is not too be missed as we play almost three hours of music. New stuff, classics and older favorites that we haven’t played before. This promises to be an emotional and exciting night and is a must for anyone interested in different music.
I was going to add that there’s free beer as well but that’s not true.
See you there.
tickets and further tour information: https://gazpachoworld.com/tour-dates/