The Cage


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The sharper observers among you all may have noticed that there is a bonus track called “The Cage” which will be available on some of the releases of our new album Demon. I have decided to come clean and tell you what that is all about.

While Demon itself was merrily brewing in our studio we wanted to include a section in the big song about a particularly poisonus side of the Demon. The little voice at the the back of your head that keeps on telling you that aren’t good enough. The “you could never pull that off, you’re not special, you’re too clumsy/fat/stupid/old/young etc” voice.

The section we wrote turned into a full song that didn’t quite fit inside the main work. It was too “light” and almost, well… catchy. Now we all know that the best way of solving any problem is to stick our heads in the sand and wait for the problem to resolve itself and that is what we did. To our great surprise this did not help so at the end of the mixing period we had a great album on our hands and a really good catchyish extra song that we had no idea how to finish our where to put on the album. In its original version it sounded like a David Bowie song from the 70s, complete with Wakemanesque pianos and mellotrons but it was not really working and it certainly wasn’t going on the album. We were stuck.

The solution was brilliant. If we can’t finish it, get someone else to do it for us!
Help came in the able hands of producer David Bottril who had other ideas and was convinced he could do something with the track and a week later he delivered the version that is now the bonus track “The Cage”. As the deadlines were just hazy memories at this point Mr. Antonio, the greatest album cover designer in our time in my opinion, threw something together which should be visible somewhere near this post. What a guy he is.

And that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the cage.

Now back to rehearsing. I have discovered that the chords for Demon are hell and I actually have to spend quite some time learning how to play the songs. Boo hoo.

Lots of love to you all. Be happy.
